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Travel Experiences

Quantile regression tutorial in R

Data Science

This is a quick demonstration of quantile regression in R

XGboost, Naive Bayes and SVM Machine learning algorithms for facilitating title-abstract screening in systematic reviews: predicting inclusion/exclusion of abstracts

Data Science

Machine learning methods for document classification.

Classifying abstracts using regularized models: covid-19 or sars-2003?

Data Science

Classifying abstracts using regularized models: covid-19 or sars-2003?

Scraping individual participant data from scatter plots

Data Science

In this blog post, I demonstrated how to easily scrap individual participant data by digitizing a scatter plot of an old publication.

Corr plot and Pair plots matrix: Python vs R

Data Science

Correlation heat map in R and Python

Corr plot and Pair plots matrix: Python vs R

Correlation heat map in R and Python

Plotting regression model coefficients in a forest plot

Data Science

How to plot model coefficients in a forest plot.

Applying text analyses methods on 382 COVID19 journal articles

Data Science

This blog post is a continuation of my previous blog post on applications of text mining on sampled COVI19 publications.

Digital Reactions Towards Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed's Facebook Activities

Data Science

Let's have some fun in visualizing Facebook reactions to prime minister Abiy Ahmed's Facebook posts (June 24 to August 09). This post is an updated version. The previous analysis was only until August 5.

Applying bibliometric analysis and text mining to COVID-19 publications

Data Science

Let's have a quick overview of what on COVID-19 related records were added in PubMed on August 03/2020.

Visualizing the prevalence of diabetes in six European countries, 1990-2017

Data Science

This is a quick demonstration of diabetes prevalence in six European countries. The data are from the the Institute of Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME).

Animating scatter plots

Data Science

Creating `Gif` for scatter plots

Animating bar graphs

Data Science

Here we will have a quick look on how to create `Gif` or animated bar plots

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